My Plans Download page

File Name Engine File Type Author
Pilen II .25cu PDF Craig Tarlington
Stunt Stik .40cu PDF Craig Tarlington
Stunt Stik II .40cu PDF Craig Tarlington
Gee Bee Profile .15cu PDF Craig Tarlington
Beach Bum n/a PDF Craig Tarlington

If you do build it please send me a photo and also some words about how it flew, I will put them on the website for all to see.

The files are in PDF File Format, that can be printed out on A0 Size Paper to get each sheet of the drawing/s or you can print it out on other sizes of paper and then stick it together with sticky tape to get it full size. 

This page was last updated at 26/05/2004 06:09:23 AM

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Suggestions? Corrections? Remarks? e-mail - Craig Tarlington.
As I get quite a number of messages, it might take some time until you receive an answer and in some cases I get lost in the flood and you may even receive no answer at all. I apologize for this, and if you have not lost patience, you might want to send me a copy of your e-mail after a month or so.
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